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Thursday, 27 September 2018 12:56

Uzbekistan's New Face Featured


Uzbekistan's New Face

Edited by S. Frederick Starr and Svante E. Cornell
Rowman & Littlefield, 2018

1805-UZbook-CoverUzbekistan, long considered the center of Central Asia, has the region’s largest population and borders every other regional state including Afghanistan. For the first 25 years of its independence, it adopted a cautious, defensive policy that emphasized sovereignty and treated regional efforts at cooperation with skepticism. But after taking over as president in autumn 2016, Shavkat Mirziyoyev launched a breathtaking series of reform initiatives. His slogan—“It is high time the government serves the people, not vice versa”—led to large-scale reforms in virtually every sector. Time will tell whether the reform effort will succeed, but its first positive fruits are already visible, particularly in a new dynamism within Uzbek society, as well as a fresh approach to foreign relations, where a new spirit of regionalism is taking root. This book is the first systematic effort to analyze Uzbekistan’s reforms.


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Read S. Frederick Starr's chapter, "Continuity and Change in Uzbekistan, 1991-2016"



1. The Center of Central Asia: Uzbekistan in Regional and International Politics
Svante E. Cornell ...........................................................................................................5

2. Continuity and Change in Uzbekistan, 1991-2016
S. Frederick Starr...........................................................................................................18

3. Uzbekistan’s New Foreign Policy: Change and Continuity under New Leadership
Richard Weitz................................................................................................................ 41

4. The Economic Modernization of Uzbekistan
Mamuka Tsereteli ......................................................................................................... 82

5. Judicial and Governance Reform
Mjusa Sever................................................................................................................. 115

6. Political Reforms: Elections, Political Parties, Civil Society
Anthony Bowyer ..........................................................................................................146

7. Religion and the Secular State
Svante E. Cornell and Jacob Zenn .............................................................................193

8. Foreign Coverage and Reaction to Uzbekistan’s Reforms
John C.K. Daly.............................................................................................................220

9. Looking Ahead
S. Frederick Starr and Svante E. Cornell....................................................................237

Read 31082 times Last modified on Friday, 28 September 2018 19:07