Thursday, 07 September 2017

CAMCA Regional Forum 2017 held in Dushanbe

Published in News


On July 1-2, 2017, The Rumsfeld Foundation and the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute hosted the CAMCA Regional Forum 2017 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

1708CAMCAThe CAMCA (Central Asia Mongolia - Caucasus Afghanistan) Regional Forum serves as a platform for regionwide discussions on means of advancing economic growth and development in Greater Central Asia. The Forum is a premier convening of rising leaders from all sectors of the 10 countries of the region, as well as international representatives. The Forum is an initiative of the CAMCA Network, an entity established by alumni of the Rumsfeld Foundation’s Fellowship Program with the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute at the American Foreign Policy Council in Washington, D.C.

The Forum featured two days of dialogue on the CAMCA region organized by the CAMCA Network in partnership with the Rumsfeld Foundation and the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute. View the full Forum agenda.

FORUM SPEAKERS AND PARTICIPANTS: Distinguished international professionals from each of the 10 CAMCA countries, China, the EU, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the United States and more.

FORUM FOCUS AREAS: Geopolitics, international trade, geo-economics, regional and international security, entrepreneurship, investment opportunities, transport and transit, government transparency and accountability and more.

View the Forum booklet here

View Forum Speakers here

View the Forum report here.

For more information on the CAMCA Forum, including videos and information on previous Regional forums, click here.


Read 10604 times Last modified on Thursday, 07 September 2017




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